About Me – Nathalie Dupont


I worked during several years as Supply Chain Manager an activity where enjoyments, competition, reach professional goal, stress, anxiety, burn out mix cheerfully. The discovery and the practice of Sophrology was an inescapable support in my learning of stress management, objectives to achieve, self-realization and well-being in everyday life.


When I discovered sophrology in 2008, it helped me to cope with my busy life. I also became aware that I needed to change my professional activity as well. I decided to train as a sophrologist, the aim is to work with companies to accompany them in the management of social psycho risk and prevention, the keys to a company’s success !


I studied in 2014-2016 at the Académie de Sophrologie Caycédienne de Paris with Dr Patrick-André Chéné . I then trained with Colette Baglione to help people who get tinnitus, I also trained with Geraldine Haegli to help people who suffer from chronic pain and fibromyalgia. In 2017 I trained with Michèle Freud to accompany children and adolescents in a school environment, as well as the teaching staff.


I have been practising sophrology in Royan since 2016, introducing the technique in English. I work with both adults and children, in one-to-one sessions or classes.



Aims and uses

In continental Europe, Sophrology has been used for more than 50 years with great success as an alternative to medication.

Four to five sessions/classes are needed to master the basic techniques. Clients are asked to practice the techniques every day for 10 to 20 minutes. The more practice, the more efficient the techniques become. The ultimate aim is to develop the skills so that people can use the techniques on their own whenever needed in their daily life.

Sophrology is used in the corporate world; in hospitals and more generally medical practice by doctors, nurses, mid-wives, dentists; in sports, arts, education.


  • Managing emotions
  • Removing body and mind tensions
  • Self-development, self confidence
  • Stress
  • Weight problems and self-image
  • Well-being, stress management

Therapeutic complement


  • Anxiety
  • Burnout
  • Depression
  • Digestive problems, IBS
  • Pain
  • Panic attacks
  • Phobia
  • Sleep problems, insomnia


Preparing for a forthcoming event


  • Exam, interview
  • Pre-natal and post-natal
  • Sports, competition
  • Stage performance, speaking in public



Sophrology and Tinnitus

  • A calm, clear and alert mind in a relaxed body
  • Restful and restorative sleep
  • Balanced energy levels
  • Harmony on a physical, mental and emotional level
  • Greater awareness of your qualities, needs and values
  • Feeling more confident and grounded
  • Better focus and concentration
  • Enhanced creativity
  • Resilience to stress and ability manage it efficiently
  • Feeling more at ease and comfortable in your own skin



 Preparing for birth and parenthood


Sophrology is an alternative method which allows the mother-to-be to discover and develop an understanding of her feelings, sensations and needs.
Sophrology helps the mother-to-be to handle the different steps of her pregnancy.

For a complete preparation the protocol is structured in six sessions including one with the father if possible.
The sessions can start from the fifth month of pregnancy and their frequency depends on your schedule.
I recommend weekly or bi-monthly sessions.


How does it work ?


You choose a position that’s comfortable.
Sitting or lying down and under the supervision of the sophrologist, you practice relaxation and breathing exercises with your eyes closed. You are encouraged to visualize your body and the baby’s place within your body, whilst relaxing and breathing in and out slowly.


During the Sophrology sessions you will learn different breathing techniques to help throughout your pregnancy but also during labour.


You will acquire relaxation reflexes, and learn to manage your stress and any physical discomfort caused by pregnancy.
You will practise positive visualization of the different stages of pregnancy, birth and post-birth.


What will Sophrology bring you?


During your pregnancy : Sophrology will help you to be one with your changing body, find calm and serenity. Sophrology will ease pregnancy discomfort and improve your sleep quality.


During childbirth : by using breathing and visualization techniques you will manage pain and contractions more easily during the labour stages.